Ear, Nose, and Throat Surgical Procedures We Provide
Lakeside offers a variety of services to provide optimal treatment for our patients.
We provide medical and surgical treatment for pediatric and adult ENT conditions, including head and neck tumors, skin cancers of the head and neck, facial plastic and reconstructive surgery, cosmetic facial and neck surgery, otology and ear diseases, thyroid and parathyroid disorders, nasal disorders and sinus surgery, snoring and sleep apnea, and allergies, to name just a few. Lakeside ENT and Allergy has proudly provided care to the Finger Lakes and Western NY for over 40 years.
Removal of adenoid tissue to reduce blockage of the Nose and Eustachian tube and help prevent ear and nasal infections
Allergy Testing and Treatment
Full spectrum of in vivo aeroallergen testing. In addition, we perform additional specialized or custom testing, including patch testing for contact sensitivities, can be accommodated.
Balloon Sinuplasty
A newer in office technique for minimally invasive treatment of sinus problems. Can be performed in the office as well as in the operative setting of endoscopic sinus surgery.
Enhancing the beauty and function of your eyelids.
CT Imaging
Xoran MiniCAT provides immediate Sinus and Ear/Temporal Bone Scans.
Endoscopic Sinus Surgery
Formal surgery performed in the sinus areas using an endoscope.
Fiberoptic Laryngoscopy
Examination of laryngeal area with flexible examining light.
Laryngeal Surgery and Microlaryngoscopy
Surgery on the voice box or the throat.
Incision of tympanic membrane (eardrum) to allow drainage and relieve pressure; tubes are often place into the eardrum the same time.
Nasal Cautery
Procedure used to stop bleeding from the nose.
Nasal Endoscopy
Procedure used to view into the nasal cavity to detect problems or abnormalities.
Nasal Fracture Repair
Restoring function and appearance.
Parathyroid Surgery
Removal of one or more parathyroid glands.
Plastic surgery of the nose to correct cosmetic or functional problems.
Rejuvenate your appearance with a facelift.
Salivary Gland Surgery
Surgery to remove stones, tumors, or chronic infections of the different salivary glands of the neck.
Sinus Procedures in office
The in-office procedures offer quick recovery time without having to make a trip to the Operating Room.
SINUVA® (mometasone furoate) Sinus Implant
A non-surgical treatment that shrinks nasal polyps and may be an alternative to surgery. SINUVA is for adults 18 years of age or older with nasal polyps who have had ethmoid sinus surgery.
Skin Cancer Surgery
Removal of malignant growths of the skin and repair of the defect.
Septoplasty, Nasal
Surgically straightening a deviated septum to improve airflow and breathing.
Snoring and Somnoplasty
Various procedures are available to treat snoring and excess vibration of the soft palate.
The surgical removal of stapes bone and replacement with a prosthetic device
Sleep Study
Is Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) affecting your health? Schedule your ENT evaluation to determine if you have OSA.
Thyroid Surgery
The thyroid is a gland in your neck that controls metabolism. Some thyroid conditions require a part or the whole gland to be removed.
Surgically removing tonsils to prevent further infection or obstruction.
Repair of the tympanic membrane (eardrum).
One of several procedures available to treat Obstructive Sleep Apnea, particularly when the source of the collapse occurs at the palate.
VivAer® Procedure
Millions of people suffer from nasal airway obstruction, which makes it difficult to breathe through the nose and gives the sensation of always being blocked up.